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The Sound of Silence


Welcome to the new Western year, 2025. The number 5 comes in to change the energy of the numbers and the totality of the year. 5, 2+5 =7, 2+0+2+5 = 9. It can be felt as (5,7,9 or 9,7, 5.) Although the numbers aren’t here to predict the future, they do give us access to energy that exists within the numbers and some guidance for the year. The total number of the year is often slower and harder to sense at the beginning of the year, but I’m not so sure thats the case this year. It seems the number 9, with its connection to the Subtle Body, the Akashic Records, the body connected to death or endings is allowing its mystical qualities to be seen and sensed already, even if not fully grasped or realised.

The 9 is often thought of as the most powerful number as it is the last number before the numbers begin again, endings and beginnings. It gives a feeling we have finally arrived at our true destination, and yet not quite. With a little boost of faith and insight into the mystery the 9 inspires us to keep going towards a home of peace. First, we’re guided to acknowledge what cannot be held must be let go of, what cannot be forgotten is remembered, and what longs to be heard already exists within us, residing in the sound of silence.  

Most of us know the “The Sound of Silence” as a title to a song written in the 60s, its lyrics capturing the anger, fear and suffering felt when the ability to communicate with one another is lost. The title invites in the paradox of silence. How can silence have a sound? What is that sound? What makes silence so powerful? These paradoxes resonate in our spiritual practice and this year were invited to explore the power of silence more deeply. Like the song suggests, unchecked silence can lead to misunderstandings, breaks in communication, feelings of isolation, and separation. In this silence we feel cut off from other but more importantly disconnected from ourselves. As the silence grows, so do the beliefs, patterns, and preferences that trapped us there in the first place. Scared to change, we cling to what we know jumping from one thing to the next, doing anything we can to avoid confronting our fears. Yet, the polarity of a conscious silence, grants us access to experience the real nature of our true selves. 

The third Chinese Patriarch says, “The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences”.

Our preferences come through the collective mind-field, deep in the worlds psyche, held in the 7th dimension, Auric Body. The Aura stores all the undigested past, wounds, regrets, resentments, and colours our thoughts, how we see the world, it’s connected to the element of Vision. We only see what we we’ve been taught to see. We believe the ultimate goal is to understand and know from the mind, this keeps us trapped in the cycle of seeking answers from a field of judgements and enemies. Recognising this pattern, we move beyond the noise of the past, instead trusting the relationship between something we will never know – the Unknown. Now, standing on the platform of 7, our perception is elevated to a new height beyond the dualities. We see a crystal clear 360 degrees, our blind spots are meet with forgiveness instead of judgement. Forgiveness is the quality of a balanced transparent Aura, no longer filtering unfinished business. You see life’s transformations as they are, beyond fear, you elevate others by completely accepting self and other without judgement as every being is seen in their true light.

The number 5 is connected to the element of Sound, 5th chakra, throat, the Physical Body which you could say is a complete expression of sound in form. In the East it is believed we vibrated into being through sound, and thus we are forever shaped by sound. Our physical body is a magnification of the throat, a reflection of our communication, all sounds, true and untrue, spoken and unspoken, heard and unheard. The Physical Body is the gate way that teaches us about the paradoxes of life, often sacrificing itself so you can experience your true self beyond the polarities. Real change only happens when you are ready to fully accept and embrace who you are in the present moment. Most of us would rather force ourselves to become someone or something we’re not than face change. For us change means death and death terrifies us. A strong nervous system is neither body or mind, but both and it plays a crucial role in supporting us to navigate change. Through a strong nervous system, we can still ourselves to listen deeply to hear what lies within the sound of silence and go beyond pain and suffering. Then when change comes, you can simply say thank you.

A change is coming in 2025! You may already feel it, a great ending that will usher in something new. You can either volunteer for the change, or it will come like an earthquake, shaking you from your anchor. Before the rebirth, we must allow a conscious space for listening and allowing the old to die. If rushed or skipped over, we risk slipping back to the familiar trap and Instead of reaching mastery we are stuck in the mystery of the subtle dimension unable to hear anything. Understanding the energy and paradoxes of the numbers can guide you along your path this year. Within the 9 is the Mastery over Mystery.

The peace you long for is always there waiting for you to remember what cannot be forgotten - the sound of immortality. Within the 7, lies Revenge or Forgiveness. Can you find the compassion to forgive yourself for your past and go beyond the fear patterns of the inherited mind-field. Within the 5, the Doer and Not the Doer. Do you continue doing all that you’ve been doing exactly the way you’ve been doing it, or can you open yourself to change? Surrendering to the fact that there is nothing to do and yet nothing will be left undone.

When you finally allow yourself to relax, be present in the moment, you can hear the exact point of transformation taking place within you. Through absolute silence, beyond time, space, sound you’ll find the words of the prophets written in whispers. They are calling to you to lay down your weapons of resentment, your chains of confusion, and imagined fears. Their words carry the inner sounds of peace. They reaffirm that there is nothing to attain, there is no separation—no “you” and “other. What you seek is not found through the noise of the past or future, what you are looking for is already within you. There’s nothing to do but call it in, allow the peace that exists within your heart to reveal itself. It’s right here, resting behind it all, resonating within you, deep in the Sound of Silence. Then all known, and unknown will be heard within in every moment. 

Love, Light and Laughter


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