Last month we explored the power and magic of 7, using the 7 steps to happiness as our path back home. We came to understand that the steps themselves are a way to heaven yet not heaven itself. Seeing this, enabled us to go beyond a world coloured by our judging, justifying eyes, stop all forms of adding to see the world as it is, then merely add a smile. This month we move into the 8th, Pranic Body, Akaal Moort, the number known of the infinite.

The ∞ symbol is the relationship between the finite and infinite, the circles suggest constant flow and movement. The eternal return of infinity, where everything comes back to itself, and yet never returns to the exact same place.
Prana is the most powerful and most creative thing GOD ever created, because out of prana came life. Who breathes in you? The Atman (the soul), and breath is by the soul. The soul identifies itself with the pure form - Moort, infinite energy. Kaal, - time and death. Akaal – beyond time and death. This is the body beyond time and death, Akaal Moort. To exist in the form of the formless is to be a form that will never die, which knows no limits.
In a way, your existence isn’t yours, it is the existence of the soul breathing in you. Your soul needs food, it’s hungry for prana which comes through the air and enriches you inside. Yet, most of us breathe unconsciously and miss the true magic, simplicity, and power of the breath, full of prana flowing continuously in and out, free from fear of the future, no revenge of the past, simply existing in the ever-flowing moment of the Now.
Remembering that all we have is Now, can allow us to enter the 8th dimension which is to be timelessly beyond time. This doesn’t mean to transcend time, instead it’s an invitation to bring all time into every present moment of the now. This perpetual remembrance of the present is also a simultaneously perpetual forgetting of the past and future. When we take the unconscious breath, make it conscious we can clear the subconscious; we return home. Now is your only Home. Now is the Naam (Naam is the Name).
In Kundalini we say Sat Naam, our true name or truth is my identity. Living in the now is the only truth, our only home, and it is the Naam. This is the power of the 8th dimension, it returns us home, with the remembrance of our link to infinite flow of energy. It’s this link that brings true transformation and abundance, true abundance is about the access to the flow of life and energy not the gathering of it in static form.
When energy flows then power manifests. If we ignore or fail to recognise the natural energy flow, by not living in the balance of the moment, then power will force us to give it attention. When power is denied, it will impose itself upon us in ways which will make death a gruesome and foreboding experience. To focus on the now, is to feel and experience the present as a moving process of chaos and order, breathing one breath at a time, taking one step at a time. A chance to read the story as it is being written by the continuous pen of the one who is writing it - the creator of all. Here, we are reminded that this moment is Naam and without this moment we have nothing. Nothing else exists. Only Now exists.
Now is your Naam.
This August is a time to channel and harness the entire theme of this year, 2+2+4= 8, the finite and the infinite. It's questioning your courage, can you respect the power and healing of the 8th dimension or will you fall back into the game of victim or perpetrator. It’s asking you to drop all preconceived notions of time, goals, any desires to force change, instead just be in the present with presence, to allow true change through true connection. It invites, then insists that we face the fear of death with a smile, a chance to truly confront the finite fears, to let go and transform.
“The important thing to realise is that power, prana and energy isn’t personal, but rather an infinite storehouse, a common pasture to which all beings have equal rights of access”
Shiv Charan Singh
When life challenges you this month, ask yourself do I continue to run from my past, or escape into the future, can I simply return to my breath, and experience the now. Do I have the fierce faith it takes to face my fears, to change the negative patterns, purify, cleanse it all out and heal. Can I remember to be here now.
How rare are the ones that’s see or know it.
This moment is Naam and my part is to remember to live it fully.
Love in NOW
Radiant in NOW
Breathe in NOW
Now is the only thing you have. All that exists, exists now. Everything is now.
If now is your Naam then everything becomes your meditation. When I remember it, I see it, then I am in euphoria.
Love, light and laughter