September Full Moon Kundalini Yoga Workshop
Fri, Sep 04
|Collective Healing Centre
Join Eilish for the Kundalini Yoga + Full Moon in September Workshop. Prepare for the Full Moon to bring all resistance, shadows and polarities to light. A 1.5 hour workshop inspired by this Full Moon's themes using Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.

Time & Location
Sep 04, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Collective Healing Centre, 199-201 King St, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia
About the Event
1.45 hour class dedicated to Full Moon themes and energy. The evening will be a combination of Kriya, Meditation and Relaxation.
Like a magnet, the moon pulls on the earth and affects the tides of the ocean. Like the earth – the human body is composed of about 70% water and so we too are affected by the energies of the moon. The full moon affects the depths of our emotional self – pulling buried emotions to the surface of our consciousness. During this time, the barriers to the subconscious mind drop to release the vibrations of the past through memories, emotions, buried wounds and pain. If you are aware, this is an opportunity to bring into the light hidden aspects of yourself.
The Full Moon highlights what is gathering in our five senses and electromagnetic field. We can either throw a tantrum or move this energy to our higher chakras through the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Eilish will introduce the themes of the specific Full Moon, teach a kundalini kriya, shavasana, meditate, close and a brief time for questions
Pisces Full Moon (Wed 02.09.2020 at 3.32pm AEST) is dreamy and feeling in nature, a water moon. Sorting out facts from fiction, dreams from reality, illusion from delusion. Information is flying at us as fast as the speed of sound and light can carry it - a multi-dimensional multimedia storm on steroids. We connect by phone, whats app, social media, email, by maiI, zoom, tik tok and occasionally in real life :-) We are overwhelmed, overtired, undernourished and undernurtured. We're so busy we're bored with being busy yet we still resist spending time alone in a room with ourselves.
Full moons are shadow casters. They shine light on what we can't normally see. Maybe what we'd rather not see but shadow work allows us to become aware, release and drop the past. Not just heal it as that infers continuity but drop it completely. We're not heading for a revised version of normal but a totally new reality.
In water signs emotions and feelings are even more heightened. Uranus is present - planet of quick, deft and unexpected change. It is a pattern interruptor. We do so much on mindless repetition - shaped first by our families, then our education and cultural systems. We are being confronted with our concept of freedom and the invisible prisons we have built for ourselves within the Matrix. Finally we can't ignore the conclusive facts that our systems and structures are built on foundations shakier than a sandcastle and with as much integrity as a smuggler during prohibition.
It's time for clearing your energy daily. Self-responsibility and self-sovereignty is no longer an option. No one can decide what's true for you but you. No one can make you happy, joyful, fulfilled but you. So we need to find different ways of experiencing beauty, joy, love and just being.
This is the work of yoga. It produces a sensation of bliss through the body moving the prana to create new connections in your brain. It's why it is so powerful and effective. It helps unravel the conditioning in how our nervous system functions, our thinking, and our feelings. But in isolation it is not enough. We now need to experience life beyond borders, beyond limitations, beyond our own horizon. We need to create anew daily from our higher self. Â We have to become someone else that feels, sees and senses differently from the way we have done in the past.
The unpredictable Uranus energy is inviting you to be more open-minded and experimental, to step into the flow and trust the twists and turns, knowing that when we allow our intuition to guide us we will find our way little by little. It will not look anything like what we have left behind but exciting opportunities are ahead.
We need to redefine what happiness is, what joy is, what love is. We need to step out of the robotic way of thinking, doing and being. We can bring what we have learned and perceive our skills differently. We need to break our habits and find a new way. We will need to create a new identity. One that is built on our truth and one we are willing to live into. This takes practice.
Please book online to save your spot. Now more than ever we need to tune the rhythms of the Earth with our own rhythms. Come join me and step into the flow of the Universe.
About Eilish
I’m Eilish Bouchier. I help people become their most embodied and influential selves. I’ve helped thousands of people own and tell their stories and master their energy during my 30 years of design, branding and somatic work. Some have built successful and meaningful businesses and careers, others have co-created projects and communities. Each of them is driven to create impact and income, using their businesses and lives as a force for good. I discovered Kundalini yoga in 2010 and deeply felt I had found my daily practice. A year later I found my teacher and became one too. Since then I have passionately practiced, studied and shared these teachings (and others) in my design practice, business programs, lunar workshops and more, as a way of meeting this adventure called life with grace, grit and always with humour, as it presents us with its gifts and challenges as a opportunity to grow.
Online Pre-Sale
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