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Wahe Guru, we made it. We reached the final month of the year. December, number 12 brings a space to pause, reflect, take summary of what patterns we let go of, what lessons we learnt and how we healed through this year’s experiences.

In the Mul Mantra, the 12th sound is JAP, means repeat. JA – means go, with heart from the heart. PA means to obtain or realise, with all its abundance.

Just as we journeyed through the 10 bodies to reach the 11, (the word), we now go beyond even that, carrying with us, what we have learnt to return once again to the Great One. Before we begin again, it’s important to note that everything that has gone before, every lesson, every relationship, every challenge, every win, is a mirror. To understand this, allows the space to drop into Shuniya, (zero) and realise in the end there is nothing to be reflected back, it’s all One, revealing the Divine.  

There is no 12th Guru it is you and me, each of us, in our actions. The 12 shows us that we all on the same journey, that we all share the same needs and have the same longing to return to the One. Each of us is God’s own Japa.

Japa through mantra, even if insincere is not a monotonous unconscious loop but a deepening process, repeating experiences, actions, and lessons until we become fully aligned with their essence. Eventually becoming the essence, itself. This means every personal act we do becomes recognised as a micro manifestation of the Absolute; until it reveals the Divine.

So, before you begin again, take a moment to run through your year and truly understand what it all meant. What was the final outcome for you? There’s no need to feel guilt about where you are on this spiritual path. Wherever you are, is where you are, and that’s exactly where you’re meant to be. Accepting this is the key to spiritual growth. 

Remember Buddha’s story: If you take a mountain one mile long by one mile wide and one mile high, and a bird flies over the mountain once every hundred years with a silk scarf in its beak and brushes the tip of the mountain. In the length of time, it takes the scarf to wear away the mountain, that’s how long you have been doing this.

Causeless Joy is the essence of being in harmony with life as it is, just as you are. It’s a state of feeling joy that is not dependent or validated by external circumstances but rather it’s a feeling that arises from within. It’s an expression of our true nature. When we can allow ourselves to feel joy without needing to justify or explain it, we enter a space of pure being.

This state of mind frees us from the limitations of expectations and opens us to the abundance of life itself. Then we repeat from a place of pure consciousness. 

This month invites you to enjoy each moment as it is, and to experience life in its purest form. Give yourself permission to simply be happy without conditions, without overthinking or judging it. Smile because you can. Be happy without reason.  

love, light and laughter


Don't miss our last kundalini class to reflect on 2024 and set intention for 2025

Online and in person / Davo hall

30th December / 630-8pm

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